李正军,工学博士,教授,硕士生导师。四川省首届跨世纪优秀青年人才,中国皮革协会科技委员会委员,四川省皮革学会副理事长,《皮革科学与工程》杂志编委,高校化学工程学报、功能材料、Journal of Applied Polymer Science、RSC Advances、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces及Progress in Organic Coatings等杂志审稿专家。2000年参加西南财经大学MBA培训班学习,获得中共四川省委组织部和四川省经济贸易委员会颁发的《高级工商管理职业资格证书》。先后主持或主研国家自然科学基金项目、国家科技支撑项目、四川省科技支撑项目、广东省现代装备重点项目、苏州市国际科技合作项目及企业委托研究项目等约二十项。
联系方式: QQ: 879043926 Cell Phone: 13708006472 E-mail: lizhengjun@lczsbz.cn
1.Yupeng Li, Baochuan Wang, Zhengjun Li*, Lixin Li.Variation of pore structure of organosilicone modified skin collagen matrix. Journal of applied polymer science, 2017,133,44831.
2.Weining Du, Jun Liu, Yifan Wang, Yupeng Li,Zhengjun Li*. Polyurethane encapsulated carbon black particles and enhanced properties of water polyurethane composite films.Progress in Organic Coatings, 2016,97:146-152.
3.Xiaona Han, Weining Du, Yupeng Li, Zhengjun Li*, Lixin Li.Modulating stability and mechanical properties of silica-gelatin hybrid by incorporating epoxy-terminated polydimethylsiloxane oligomer.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016, 133, 43059.
4. Weining Du, Xiaona Han, Zhengjun Li*, Yupeng Li, Lixin Li, Kunyu Wang.Oil sorption behaviors of porous polydimethylsiloxane modified collagen fiber matrix.Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132, 42727.
5. Wuhou Fan, Weining Du,Zhengjun Li*, Nianhua Dan, Jin Huang.Abrasion resistance of waterborne polyurethane films incorporated with PU/silica hybrids.Progress in Organic Coatings, 2015, 86:125-133.
6. DU WEINING, HAN XIAONA,LI ZHENGJUN*, SUN GUOLONG, LI LIXIN*. A Comparative Study of Various Collagen Fibre Wastes as Oil Sorbent Materials.Journal of the society of leather technologists and chemists, 2015,99(6):267-272.
7. Bo li, Jiaxun li, lixinLi*,Yuanping Jiang andZheng JunLi*.SYNTHESIS AND APPLICATION OF A NOVEL FUNCTIONAL MATERIAL AS LEATHER FLAME RETARDANT.Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association,2014,109(7):239-245
8. LI ZHENGJUN, FAN WUHOU, YANG QINHUAN and TIAN YE.A Comparison of Low Temperature Softness of Leather Lubricated with Various Types of Fatliquor.Journal of the Society of Leather technologists and Chemists,2014,98(4):167-171.
9. Sun Guolong, Huang Jin, Han Xiaona, Du Weining,Li Zhengjun*,Yang Qinhuan.Prepartion and Characteristics of Amino Silane Modified Gelatin.Proceeding of the 10th AICLST 2014.November 24th-26th, 2014, Okayama (Japan)
10. Wu-Hou Fan, Xiao-Dou Tang,Zheng-Jun Li*.Sol-gel Derived Silicon Dioxide-containing Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials with Controllable Transparency.The 2nd International Symposium on Applied Silicon Chemistry, KIST. Oct. 24-25, 2013,Seoul(KOREA)
11.李宇鹏,杜卫宁,汪保川,李正军*. 制革过程中胶原纤维网络多孔结构的演变[J]. 中国皮革, 2017(2).29-34.
12. 杜卫宁,韩晓娜,李正军*,但卫华,李立新.天然有机纤维吸油材料的结构特点及其功能化改性技术的研究进展. 功能材料,2015,46(18): 18016-18022.
13. 樊武厚,李正军*,但年华,黄金.前驱体对水性PU/SiO2复合材料结构与耐水性能的影响. 高分子材料科学与工程,2014,30(4):70-74.
14. 韩晓娜,杜卫宁,李宇鹏,李正军*,杨秦欢. 胶原基有机硅表面活性剂的性能研究.日用化学工业,2015,45(9): 481-484.
15. 黄金,韩晓娜,郭晓琴,李正军*,但卫华,环氧基有机硅改性明胶及其稳定性的研究. 皮革科学与工程,2014,24(1):17-22.
16. 樊武厚,李正军*,毕晨曦,但卫华,王健.水性聚氨酯/SiO2纳米杂化物WPUS改性水性聚氨酯涂膜性能研究. 涂料工业,2012(5): 23-26.